Orange County Inland Empire Students of the Year
Gianna Danese
Welcome to Gianna Danese's SOY Fundraising Page!
My name is Gianna Danese and I am a junior at Mater Dei High School. This year I am in charge of my own team, 2018 Student of the Year race for the cure– no, not a sports team – a cancer fighting team. I am honored to have been nominated to run my own campaign for the Orange County chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s “Student of the Year”. I am beyond thrilled and excited to be a part of such a wonderful cause. I have never been more inspired and moved by the LLS mission and the opportunity to make a difference. Last year, I was a team member of Caitlyn Fitzgerald’s campaign for the LA Woman of the Year Chapter. I personally raised $35,962 and was fortunate to have her as my mentor through this whole campaigning process. This year, I am inspired to go above and beyond my last year’s achievements, by raising $50,000.00 and bring it home to the Orange County Chapter.
This campaign is very important to me, as I lost my grandfather to cancer last year. In January 2017, my grandfather, Ben Danese, had a mild heart attack. While in the hospital being treated, his doctors found out there was more going on than what he had been admitted for originally; multiple myeloma. Unfortunately, after just 10 days in the hospital, my grandfather passed away from lung, liver and kidney cancer...
Since the 1960’s, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has contributed over 1 billion dollars to finding a cure and responsible for doubling, tripling and in some cases even quadrupling the blood cancer survival rate. From 2000 to 2013, almost 40% of new anticancer drugs were approved by the FDA for blood cancer patients - recognized as the largest number of first-ever approvals for any other group of cancers; Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lupus Nephritis, Melanoma, Multiple Sclerosis, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer and more... In 2017, alone, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society pledged $43,000,000 toward funding cancer research.
My team is not as big as Caitlyn’s but one common theme among my team members is we all have our personal story with Leukemia, Lymphoma and cancer. All of us have determination and an overwhelming passion for life and elevating others. We stand for making a difference. I stand for the idea as a student I can make a difference and hope to inspire other students to do the same. Being a part of making a difference and adding to the gift of an improbable possibility – finding a cure for cancer means a lot to me.
In the spirit of embracing our passion for charitable endeavors and with the incredible support from our friends, families, and LLS, our team is trying to raise $50,000 in 7 weeks. Please join me/us in raising this money so that hopefully it inspires future student to believe in themselves and run their own campaign, breathing life into their potential - demanding to live in a world where cancer only borrows lives, and never takes them.
It is with a hopeful heart, I graciously ask that you donate to my campaign and LLS; help us keep families whole by saving the lives of those battling cancer now, and in the future. You can donate through this link: All donations go directly to the cause which also includes patient services, advocacy, public and professional education and community services.
With our humble efforts, and your generous contribution, we will significantly change lives - not someday, but today!
Thank you so much for your consideration and hopefully your support.
Gianna Danese
Frank Raimondi
Good luck on your efforts Gianna. My niece Marie is celebrating her 10 year anniversary from her last chemo treatment for Leukemia. She is a thriving and healthy attorney, and is a clear testament to the value of LLS' research and support. This donation is in honor of her. Also, Intel will be matching my donation, so hopefully that match can count toward your goal.
A great aunt, a wonderful person that was taken away to soon.
Nina Di Francisco
What a wonderful fundraiser. Well done Gianna!
Jeffrey Heimler
Great work. Good luck Gianna!
Robin Bassen
Gianna, what a fabulous cause - best of luck to achieve your fundraising goals and beyond!
Cassandra Anderson
I lost my grandfathers to cancer and I appreciate how dedicated you are! Thank you Gianna for your passion and leadership!
Joshua D. Liberman
Best of luck on your efforts Gianna!
john koether
What a great cause! When your father let know your cause, I was happy to help. Good luck with your goal.
Patty Mortis
...who show their love and support of each other through good works. Keep doing what you’re doing, Gianna! We are all proud of you!
Lea Beasley
Way to go Gianna!!! The Beasley’s
Stephen Bradley
Great Cause
Thank you for doing this and keep up the good work!
Lance and Leslie Ryan
Blessings to you, Gianna for all your hard work & effort to raise this money to fight cancer.
Michael Weissman
Gianna: I too lost my grandparent to Leukemia. Keep up the good work. Michael Weissman (friend of your dad's)
The Nielsen Family
The Nielsen Family supports you 100% Gia!!
Wendy & Scott McManigal
Best wishes, Gianna. We hope & pray you reach your goal.
alan weinberger
We love your parents and fully support your efforts.
This could be timely for others.
Thomas Perrier
Gianna, we are very happy to support your great cause! Tom and Barbara Perrier
Greg Gadbois
We're glad to be supporting such a worthy cause, Gianna. Greg and Ellen Gadbois
Dave Moore
Gianna, Good luck to you in your Campaign efforts! We are proud of your work in this endeavor and it is such a great experience for you as well! Best regards, Dave + Colleen Moore
go G!
Steven Nesbitt
Thank you and your team for such an important fund raising effort!
Scheidt Family
We wish you good luck with your challenge and to congratulate you on your dedication to such a great cause.
Jared Roth
I am honored to participate in this noble and hope-filled cause. Well done Gianna and team!
Monica Rakunas
Good Luck on your amazing efforts Gianna!!
Oli Thordarson
You go Gianna!
Murray Dennis
Congratulations to Gianna Danese for her tireless efforts in helping raise money for this very important cause.
Joseph Jaconi - Tech Armor
Keep up the good work!
The Phillips Family
Gianna, You are an inspiration both on the Lacrosse field and as a student. We hope you reach your goal. The Phillips Family
Steve Vertun
Awesome and worthy endeavor!
John Citrigno
Good work Gianna!
Gary Bixler
Thanks for your great work in this cause Gianna!
The Noya Family
Gia, thank you for leading the fight against cancer. All our love, The Noyas
Energizer Solar
This is such an important activity and we as a society are making excellent strides, good job Gianna and team.
The Menzia Family
Good luck, Gia!
Bill Booth
Always a pleasure to support an athlete that thinks about others. This effort is herculean compared to most young student athletes who focus only on themselves. Your giving will not only help others but is a strong example to many. I know your parents are very proud of you for this, more than your achievements on the field. Nice work again girl.
Paige, Simon, Quinnlyn & Kennedy
Proud of you Gia for supporting such a great cause!!!
Rick Bagby
Gianna! Thank you for your efforts toward this worthy cause! Sorry I won't be able to attend the event. Hope this helps! Best Regards, Rick
McPherson Family
Inspired by how hard you work, Gia! What a worthy cause. Love, the McPherson Family
Simon Dillon
Gianna, You are an inspiration. Challenging me to become a better person (more like you)!!! Keep leading by's the best way!
The Hurley Clan
In honor of Mr. Ben Danese and family, please accept our donation towards this campaign and applaud your efforts. Your grandfather was truly a wonderful man and he inspired many. Wishing you continued success towards your goal and hope that your efforts are rewarded. The Hurley Clan
Kirk Adams
Great work Gianna
This is a great work you are doing! Honored to be a part of it.
Robb Fahrion
Good luck and amazing work!
Spike Bloom
Great cause! Good work!
Irene Martino
Good Luck to you. I lost my niece Sofia to brain cancer 4 years ago. She was only 18 years old.